
You can get a pdf of the latest rules in use at Origin LRP games here. If you have any queries regarding the rules you can get in touch via our facebook page, discord or by emailing

General Strengths and Flaws

A character can have up to two Strengths and two Weaknesses. The player may choose not to have any strengths or weaknesses. Personalised strengths and weaknesses can be suggested and agreed with the game team, but the player must arrange these in advance of an event, and it is recommended that new players try to generate a standard starting character first to learn the game. A Strength or Weakness may only be picked once.

If the Player chooses a Level 1 strength, they MUST pick a Level 1 weakness, likewise a Level 2 strength needs a Level 2 Weakness, and so on.  Race locked Weaknesses and Strengths can only be picked by a character with the correct race, but can be paired with equivalent Level weaknesses or strengths from the general Strengths and Weaknesses table.




Level 1

Favour – One time only, a player may use their favour ability to call upon an NPC that they have talked to for more than 5 minutes, or that is written into character background, to help them. A Ref must be forewarned and the Game Team must be allowed time to prepare the NPC. The NPC cannot be asked to do anything outside their ability, but will help or give information freely if they are able to. Favours can only be granted by NPCs with Human-level intelligence. 

Ancient Knowledge – The character may use this ability one time to gain a small percentage of a cipher for a language. They gain this knowledge permanently, as if their character had known it all along. 

Inheritance – Your character starts the game with a small pack of items, relevant to their Land or character background.

Double or Nothing – Once per event the character may take two of a random ingredients found during their hunting, foraging or scavenging yield, instead of one. 

Cut Corners – The player must choose 3 Free Skills which their character has never learned. They cannot use those skills and must learn them IC, or forfeit them permanently.  

Phobia – A character is scared of a specific named Element, Weapon type (1 handed, projectile, etc), named non-human humanoid Race, a named type of Hierophant Magic, Non-Humanoid Monsters or Ritual Magic.The character will roleplay being afraid and wary of the subject of their phobia, and will not actively approach the subject of their phobia, running away if the subject comes nearer. 

Dark Past – An NPC or monster is hunting the character actively, and may appear at any time to hurt the character in question. This Weakness can be better informed by a written character background. 

Starving – The character does not gain any Food tokens at the start of events.

Debt – You are in debt to some shadowy organisation until your debt is paid (let’s face it, it’s the post office). Half of any Food Tokens you earn must go to GOD.

Outcast – You went and done something stupid, a Land or race have cast you out from their society and will never come to your aid in any form. This should be expanded on in your character background, with reference to which race or Land you have angered.

Level 2

One Shot – Once per event, a character may use a single pre-selected Apprentice skill that they do not otherwise have access to, for ten minutes. 

Sixth Sense – a character may choose ONE sense from Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, or Touch. That sense is enhanced and must be physrepped in some way. E.g. Those with enhanced hearing have pointed ears, those with enhanced smell have nose ridges etc. The character, Twice per day, may use sixth sense as per the Enhance Senses spell.

Font of Mana – The Player receives an additional +1 Elemental Spell or Hierophant Spell per day. If they have both Elementalist and Hierophant skills, or more than one Expert Spellset in either, the player must choose which Spellset to gain the extra spell in. This Strength can be taken once for every Expert Spellset the user possesses.

Stronk – You are very, very strong. The character gains +1 to their grapple value. (This stacks with other grapple capacity enhancing abilities.)

Careful Harvester – You’re really good at harvesting – this allows you to gather a few more ingredients than normal. Specify whether you would prefer to be good at harvesting Monsters or harvesting plants. You will receive an extra ingredient or two when foraging, harvesting or using the grow skill once per day. 

Keen Balance – Twice per day if an effect would knock you down you may ignore it by calling “Keen Balance.” Damage should be taken as normal.

Allergy – The player is allergic to one of the following; Herbs, Non-Humanoid Monsters and Monster Parts, Ritual magics or “Heal Wounds” skills. Under exposure to the subject of the character’s allergy, the character is afflicted with itching and rashes, and must roleplay as such. After the character has stopped exposure or contact with the subject of their allergy, they will still itch for 20 seconds afterwards.

Curse – The character is afflicted with a reoccurring curse that can only be cured temporarily. Details of the curse will be known to the player and presented in the Player Primer, and may be based on any written background the Player has provided. 

Forbidden Tie – The character owes a debt to a powerful person or deity, that can be named by the player in their background, or by the game team, and information will be delivered in their player primer. The player must do what their debtor asks, or take a forfeit in game. 

Magically Challenged – The Player receives 1 less Elemental Spell or Hierophant Spell per day. If they have both Elementalist and Hierophant skills, or more than one Expert Spellset in either, the player must choose which Spellset to lose the spell charge in.  Players must have taken at least one of the Elementalist or Hierophant spellsets to take this.

Weedy – The character has a -1 value to their Grapple capacity, down to a minimum of 0.

Truant – You missed a lot of the classes in survival 101. You must select 5 Free Skills that your character cannot use (which must be named on your Guildcard).Sensitive Hearing – If a monster or creature unleashes a roar or screech in your vicinity you must roleplay disorientation and being in pain for 20 seconds. This effect resolves after any other effects have taken place.

Clumsy When a character is Disarmed, the character must also suffer a knockdown effect. When the character receives a knockdown effect, they are also disarmed.

Memory Lapses – You have the worst memory and have difficulty remembering events or details about monsters and people. Flip a coin when recalling information – if the coin lands on heads you may remember correctly, if tails you forget the information, as per the Forget spell. You may try the same flip the next day.

Level 3

Ahead of the Curve – The Player can pick an extra Apprentice Skill at Character Generation only. 

Friends in High Places – The character has a patron deity or powerful guardian spirit that allows them to do one of the following once per Event: 

  • Find out what has happened to a missing ally
  • Look into the possible outcomes of taking a certain action
  • Regain Magic or Skill uses using a Prayer
  • Gain information about something that has happened to another character or NPC.

If no patron deity is included in the Character Background, one will be selected for the player and included in the player primer.

Absolute Unit – You have muscles enough to ruin a man. The character’s Grapple value is increased by +2 (This stacks with other grapple capacity enhancing abilities.)

Vulnerable to (Element) – A character must take a “Fatal” to either their Head or Chest Location (player’s choice) if hit by any spell of an Element that they are Vulnerable to. The Element must be named on their character card. Mass and Storm spells using the specified Element affect all Locations. Durative elemental spells include a “Fatal” effect as well as their usual effects, as do non-damaging spells. If the character walks into an irradiated area of the element they are Vulnerable to, they will instantly lose all HP on their Chest and Head Location. 

Basic – May only have one Expert Skillset or Spellset at character generation, rather than the standard two.

Lost Nerve – (Character must have an Elementalist or Hierophant Expert Spellset). If a spell vocal or performance is interrupted before completion, either by taking damage or another effect, the user must expend their attempted spell charge and cease use of that Spell.

Royal Mode – Character has access to their Apprentice and Expert Abilities, but must forego all Free Skills at character generation.